Cryptography: The Art of Hiding Cryptography can be defined as a method of protecting the digitally shared information between the users. In simple words, it helps us to protect our 'confidentiality' or 'privacy'. The word cryptography consists of two words, 'crypt' which stands for 'hidden' and 'graphy' which stands for 'writing'. Cryptography is basically related to the study of 'cryptology' and 'cryptoanalysis'. It includes various techniques such as microdot, combining words with images, merging images in audios and other different methods to maintain your confidentiality. If we talk cryptography in terms of information security it is more often associated with scrambling or converting the plaintext into an encrypted text (or ciphertext ) and again decrypting (or decipher ) the encrypted text into the plain text. When we talk about cryptography we will always come across the two words, i.e, Encryption...
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