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Package Management in Linux Distributions

Package Management in Linux distros

In the Linux world, there are basically two different types of community-based distribution. One is  Debian based and another is based on the fedora project. Several distributions of Linux use mainly these two community distributions. Unlike some of the most popular distros like Kali, Parrot, Ubuntu, etc which uses Debian based, Redhat Enterprise Linux is based on the fedora project.

Package Management Debian based distros

Some of the most popular Debian based distros are Kali, Parrot, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Deepin, BackTrack, Astra Linux, etc. In Debian based distributions the package management is done by apt and it is configured by default when you install the operating system. To install any package in Debian based use command: apt-get install package_name for example, apt-get install leafpad. To remove any package: apt-get remove package_name; to search for any package installed: apt-cache search package_name; to list all packages installed: apt list --installed. 

Package Management in rpm based or Fedora-based

Some of the popular rpm based distros are Redhat, Centos, Fedora, OpenSUSE Clear Linux, and Mandrake Linux. In fedora based or rpm based distros for package management, we use rpm or yum. By default, rpm is configured. But the disadvantage of using rpm is that it can only install those packages which are already present in our system and to install those packages you need to be in that directory in which packages are present. To overcome this issue yum command was introduced in fedora based Linux distros like Redhat. In the latest version of Redhat ie, Redhat 8 one more advanced command is introduced ie, dnf which does not need to be configured separately. It is configured automatically when you configure yum in your RHEL. Commands to install any package in rpm based/fedora based is: yum install package_name for example: yum install vlc; to remove any package: yum remove vlc; to list all repository: yum repolist; to check for package: yum list vlc.
In Redhat 8 other than yum, dnf is also introduced for package management. The reason for introducing dnf was that whenever you try to run yum command and if any irrelevant address is giving in repository config file then it takes lots of time to understand that and terminate the program but dnf, in this case, is much faster and efficient in solving such problems.      


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