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Linux , it's uniqueness and it's distributions.

What is Linux ?

Linux is a open source Operating System which is modelled on Unix. Basically Linux is packaged in a form known as a linux distribution for both desktop and server use. It is a family of free and open source software operating systems build on linux kernal. 

How it is different than other OS ?

Linux , in simple words is a Operating System as like other O.S such as Windows, iOS, android, etc. which provides you a medium to communicate with machines. However there is a major difference between linux and other O.S .Linux is a open source software. The code in which it is written is accessible to everyone so that user can filter it according to their needs. 

What is Linux Distribution ?  

Linux has a number of versions  to suits any kind of user. Theses different versions of linux are known as linux distribution(distros). Every version of linux can be downloaded for free and can be installed in your desktop.

Some of the most popular Linux distress that are being used by the customer widely all over the world are,
UbuntuFedoraRedhat,  DebianKaliParrotSuseLinux mintArch linux .
These are only few of the distros that are very popular among the users. There many other distros available. The main reason behind these many distros according to me is that, Linux is Open Source Community and due to which users can access the complete source code of the operating system. They take the source code and modify according to their use and best practises and launch another OS. This could be one of the reason why we have these many Linux distros. 
For details of the Linux and it's distros click here.


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