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Learn Programming for free

Top 5 websites to learn Programming 

We can get lots of websites on internet where we can purchase the course and learn programming. But there are also websites where we can learn programming at free of cost. Here I am going to share some of the top free websites where you can learn different programming languages at free of cost.

Websites to learn Programming :

1. Code Academy

Code Academy is one of the most popular website where we can learn different programming language at free of cost. This website deals with some of the popular programming languages such as C++, Python, java, CSS , Html and many more. This website also provide tutorials of these courses and also it allows learners to edit and run their codes directly on the website.

2. w3 Schools

w3 Schools are one of the top free websites for learning web technologies online. Some of the popular courses which it provides are HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP, AngularJS, SQL, XML and many more. It also presents lots of code examples and also it provides a online editor by which reader can edit that code and run in a sandbox.

3. Tutorialspoint

Tutorialspoint is a popular website with its rich library of different types of courses. It is ideal for someone who wants to learn some programming language. It can give you more you want through its rich library. It also allows users to edit, compile and run their code online. Some of the popular courses of this website is C language, C++, javascript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, etc.

4. MDN Web Docs

Formally known as Mozilla  Development Network is the official Mozilla website for development documentation of web standards and Mozilla projects. It is basically a resource for developers, maintained by the community of developers and technical writers. It provides documents on various subjects such as HTML, javascript, CSS, Web Api, js , etc.

5.  Geeks for Geeks

Geeks for Geeks is a popular free website which basically focuses to prepare computer science students who are going for interviews. The site provides all kinds of solutions of different levels starting from low to high. It also provides interface to practice competitive coding. Some of the programming languages covered in this website is C , C++, Python and java.


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